Happy Thanksgiving to all the CMR Journal Readers!

Happy Thanksgiving, whether you are on your couch watching the Macy's Parade, wondering when the turkey thing will pop, or going to work begrudgingly. If you're one of the 50 million viewers that watch the Parade on TV, here are some fun facts for you:

1. It was originally a Christmas Parade

Back in 1924, when the Parade debuted, it was Christmas themed, with Santa Claus himself at the very back of the parade. Due to the large success of the parade, they decided to make it an annual event. Only 3 years after the original parade, in 1927, they changed it's name to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

2. The Balloons made their debut in 1927

At the same time as they changed the Parade's name, they also added the Character Balloons. But, back in 1927, they used balloons in the shapes of many animals, and not cartoon characters.

3. During WWII, the Parade was shut down

Due to the numerous rubber and helium shortages, Macy's shut down the parade between 1942 and 1944. The parade made a return in 1945, with a change in route happening in 1946.


  1. Loved the facts. Please do the same for all holidays.


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