CMR Elections Extended...
After the polls officially closed on the night of March 22nd, FraughtMovie brought in Marbal from the Election Jury, to make sure all the votes were valid. Usual Fraughtian stuff. However, due to a complaint made by Candidate Raymes, Marbal decided to extend the length of the election by a week. This has put the CMR in a grey area when it comes to its services, because there is no governor. The Fraughtian President will be the acting governor during this transition, but he has not renewed the CMR: Isles realm, due to this vote. He set up a meeting with the two candidates (Packerfan Gamer and Raymes) to decide the Isles contract with the CMR.
CMR Journal Update
Due to the election being extended, CMR Journal will be put on a hiatus until March 31st 2019. This means there will be no new posts until then.
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